DZ Sydney Skydivers

Lat: -34.22358828, Lon: 150.66854239, MSL: 186.0
Altitude Wind Speed, m/s Wind Direction
7370 27.1 171.46
6497 23.4 170.93
5696 21.9 166.24
4956 19.4 167.5
4267 18.9 164.61
3622 17.6 167.42
3018 14.3 163.23
2451 12.6 180.85
1921 9.8 199.25
1417 10.0 201.08
933 9.6 200.85
699 8.9 200.08
469 7.8 198.75
243 4.0 195.51
25 3.8 195.66
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