Recorded at
96976 Lars Morken PR Tube 5 Hamar 308 53 20.7 22.04.2023 96975 Lars Morken PR Tube 5 Hamar 501 100 18.0 22.04.2023 96973 Karel Klíma PF Sukhoi T Pineta (ITA) 1575 113 50.1 22.04.2023 96971 Cicche SQ Freak 2 Monte Brento (ITA) 1104 110 36.0 22.04.2023 96970 Cicche SQ Freak 2 Monte Brento (ITA) 1583 125 45.4 22.04.2023 96969 Antoine Laporte Custom wingsuit Monte Brento (ITA) 3rd test jump 1697 127 48.1 22.04.2023 96964 juri ba SQ Colugo 4 Monte Brento (ITA) ws 86 poco dive flare 29.9 1313 160 29.4 22.04.2023 96961 Matthias Walter PF Onesie Power 21 DZ Gransee speed run 1570 219 26.5 22.04.2023 96960 Igor Iwaschur SQ Freak 2 Monte Brento (ITA) 1,99 / 285 1518 148 36.7 22.04.2023 96957 James Boole IA Barracuda Monte Brento (ITA) 1199 106 40.6 22.04.2023 96956 James Boole PF Rafale Monte Brento (ITA) 1544 120 46.1 21.04.2023 96955 James Boole PF Rafale Monte Brento (ITA) 1433 107 48.2 22.04.2023 96954 Matthias Walter PF Onesie Power 21 DZ Gransee speed run 1582 223 25.8 22.04.2023 96953 James Boole IA Barracuda Monte Brento (ITA) 1104 110 36.0 22.04.2023 96952 James Boole SQ ATC Monte Brento (ITA) 1593 139 41.3 22.04.2023 96951 Charleson Rowe SQ Freak 4 DZ Elsinore, CA (USA) 1821 232 39.0 21.04.2023 96950 Niclas Strohmeier PF Onesie Power 20 Low Ultimate (SUI) 673 108 22.4 21.04.2023 96948 Niclas Strohmeier PF Onesie Power 20 Low Ultimate (SUI) 704 104 24.2 21.04.2023 96947 Niclas Strohmeier PF Onesie Power 20 Low Ultimate (SUI) 673 107 22.6 21.04.2023 96945 Karel Klíma PF Sukhoi T Pilastro (ITA) 1106 105 37.6 21.04.2023 96942 VALE YO SQ Creature DZ Mile-Hi Skydiving (USA) Distance 3771 202 75.8 21.04.2023 96941 Timm DZ Sendenhorst (GER) 203 56 15.0 21.04.2023 96940 Bjarte PF Onesie Kalskråtind (NOR) 1975 168 42.2 21.04.2023 96939 Karel Klíma PF Sukhoi T Monte Brento (ITA) 1508 84 64.3 21.04.2023 96938 Jenna Gygi Roc 23 Monte Brento (ITA) V2 1460 138 37.9 21.04.2023
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