DZ Århus Faldskærms Club

Lat: 56.31325799, Lon: 10.6151104, MSL: 20.0
Altitude Wind Speed, m/s Wind Direction
7122 13.4 206.86
6299 11.4 207.79
5545 11.4 208.65
4845 11.3 211.38
4193 11.5 215.94
3582 10.2 217.68
3009 9.3 219.59
2467 9.1 219.62
1953 8.8 216.94
1464 8.9 209.08
997 10.2 201.34
771 11.0 200.14
551 11.4 201.0
335 11.0 203.93
126 6.3 221.04
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