
DZK Krasnodar

Lat: 45.256079, Lon: 38.923809, MSL: 24.0
Altitude Wind Speed, m/s Wind Direction
7294 20.8 164.78
6448 17.6 172.68
5673 17.8 178.95
4955 13.1 174.89
4288 9.4 188.4
3664 10.9 181.69
3079 10.9 180.85
2527 8.7 192.62
2004 7.6 193.13
1507 12.5 198.74
1035 17.2 221.37
807 16.8 227.98
585 15.2 233.78
368 12.2 243.63
156 8.3 254.42
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