Monte Brento
Lat: 45.995573769, Lon: 10.905274619, MSL: 215.0

Recorded at
128534 Ivo Karakashev SQ Freak 5 1st BASE 1093 111 35.4 10.06.2024 128532 Ivo Karakashev SQ Freak 5 1st Base jump 10.06.2024 120568 Mario IA RS Base 1319 169 28.1 10.06.2024 120549 Mario IA RS Base 1319 169 28.1 10.06.2024 120655 Ilko Iliev SQ Freak 4 Jump 6 1370 100 49.1 09.06.2024 120525 Nils Astrologo PF Onesie Power Turn around the ridge 1627 59 97.9 09.06.2024 120434 Mario IA RS Glide 1642 114 51.5 09.06.2024 120536 Nils Astrologo SQ Freak 5 Ilko freak jump 1371 95 51.6 09.06.2024 120654 Ilko Iliev SQ Freak 4 Jump 5 1371 95 51.6 09.06.2024 120526 Nils Astrologo PF Onesie Power 357 201 6.4 09.06.2024 120653 Ilko Iliev SQ Freak 4 Jump 4 37 56 2.4 08.06.2024 120312 Nils Astrologo PF Onesie Power 1488 136 39.4 08.06.2024 120303 Robert Balogh PF Strix Second speedrun attempt 1258 147 30.8 08.06.2024 120431 Mario IA RS Glide 1545 135 41.0 08.06.2024 120323 Mario IA RS Glide 1545 135 41.0 08.06.2024 120313 Nils Astrologo PF Onesie Power 1487 130 41.2 08.06.2024 120652 Ilko Iliev SQ Freak 4 3rd jump 1447 134 38.9 08.06.2024 120650 Ilko Iliev SQ Freak 4 Second Jump. Evening. Alone. 1303 113 41.5 07.06.2024 121138 Noemi Bardoczi PF Onesie Power 21 1548 142 39.2 07.06.2024 120226 Robert Balogh PF Strix Firt try for a speedrun 1259 139 32.5 07.06.2024 120248 Maciek Kozerski SQ Corvid 2 1311 108 43.4 07.06.2024 120181 Miki-topo SQ Corvid 2 1538 104 53.0 06.06.2024 120187 Dark Fear SQ Freak 2 1437 100 51.4 06.06.2024 120179 Mario IA RS Glide 1596 117 48.8 06.06.2024 120428 Mario IA RS Glide 1596 117 48.8 06.06.2024 120197 Maciek Kozerski SQ Corvid 2 1306 117 40.1 06.06.2024 120174 marco braga SQ Corvid 2 16 1422 166 30.7 06.06.2024 120171 juri ba SQ Corvid 2 30 sec. speed ws 149...225 1397 1428 173 29.6 06.06.2024 120152 matteo mazza slick 439 77 20.4 05.06.2024 120147 Maciek Kozerski SQ Corvid 2 1462 115 45.7 05.06.2024 121339 Cremonic PF Onesie Power 1274 149 30.7 05.06.2024 120111 Cremonic PF Onesie Power 1361 122 40.2 04.06.2024 120106 Maciek Kozerski SQ Corvid 2 first corvid, first 2024 1188 121 35.4 04.06.2024 120207 Шато Юлия SQ Corvid 2 1521 102 53.3 04.06.2024 120110 Cremonic PF Onesie Power 1370 129 38.1 04.06.2024 120067 Cremonic PF Onesie Power 1553 144 38.7 03.06.2024 120048 Cremonic PF Onesie Power 1514 145 37.4 03.06.2024 120042 Igor Iwaschur SQ Corvid 2 2,03 / 270, 166 км/ч 1281 136 33.9 03.06.2024 119980 Cremonic PF Onesie Power 1299 137 34.1 02.06.2024 120101 Robert Balogh PF Strix Strix 22, aiming for more speed. 1374 123 40.0 02.06.2024 120055 Tobi T. PF Onesie Power 21 Brento two way 1498 127 42.2 02.06.2024 119979 Cremonic PF Onesie Power 1341 145 33.2 02.06.2024 121351 Cremonic PF Onesie Power 1341 145 33.2 02.06.2024 121137 Noemi Bardoczi PF Onesie Power 21 1588 125 45.5 01.06.2024 119929 juri ba SQ Corvid 2 ws148 sx 1352 126 38.4 01.06.2024 119948 Dom SQ ETMD Missile mode ;-) 1552 139 40.0 01.06.2024 119966 Jenna Gygi SQ C-Race 1548 105 52.7 01.06.2024 119776 Antoine Laporte Custom 2 piece tracksuit 1207 117 36.9 29.05.2024 119800 juri ba SQ Corvid 2 ws 146 sx 1479 135 39.3 29.05.2024 119780 Ritvars IA Barracuda Power Speed run 1435 144 35.8 29.05.2024
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