
DZ Skydive Twin Cities

Lat: 44.96450472, Lon: -92.39083797, MSL: 336.0
Altitude Wind Speed, m/s Wind Direction
6952 22.5 132.46
6150 15.6 126.57
5418 19.0 129.58
4740 22.4 132.68
4109 24.0 139.01
3517 19.9 140.93
2962 13.6 135.75
2439 10.3 140.09
1941 8.9 148.46
1465 8.6 150.94
1009 8.2 152.64
788 8.0 153.29
571 7.7 153.85
358 6.2 154.92
149 5.0 155.29
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