The APF Wingsuit Performance Flying Championship, Australia, 2021, WA

DZ Jurien Bay (AUS) (MSL: 3.0 m)
Competition window: 2500 - 1500 m
# Competitor Distance Speed Time Total
% % %
m % m % m % km/h % km/h % km/h % s % s % s %
1 Chris Byrnes
AUS 3741 100.0 3411 -10% 100.0 3411 -10% 98.9 99.6 267.2 100.0 250.9 100.0 267.2 100.0 100.0 91.4 100.0 85.1 -10% 96.7 80.1 -10% 94.6 97.1 296.7
2 Toby Redmile
AUS 3688 98.6 3187 93.4 3450 100.0 97.3 110.9 -50% 41.5 213.6 85.1 196.0 -10% 73.4 66.7 83.0 90.8 88.0 100.0 84.7 100.0 96.9 260.9
3 Jason Munster
AUS 3159 84.4 3059 89.7 3173 92.0 88.7 229.1 85.7 217.6 86.7 222.7 83.3 85.3 73.1 80.0 79.3 90.1 74.0 87.4 85.8 259.8
4 Heath Baird
SQ Aura 2
AUS 2875 76.9 2506 73.5 2500 72.5 74.3 209.6 78.4 218.3 87.0 216.4 81.0 82.1 69.6 76.1 66.7 75.8 63.9 75.4 75.8 232.2
5 Dimitri Didenko
SQ Freak 3
AUS 2583 69.0 2867 84.1 51.0 206.9 77.4 25.8 62.1 -10% 67.9 22.6 99.5
1 Chris Todd
PF Havok Carve
AUS 2283 100.0 2257 100.0 2052 100.0 100.0 204.0 100.0 198.4 100.0 200.1 100.0 100.0 63.0 100.0 62.3 100.0 51.1 100.0 100.0 300.0
2 Ash Kraay
PF Phantom 3
AUS 1453 63.6 1430 63.4 42.3 196.2 96.2 182.8 92.1 62.8 34.7 55.1 31.3 50.2 35.1 140.2
This competition uses wind cancellation feature. Results are adjusted for wind / not adjusted for wind


  1. Neil Fergie
  2. Chris Byrnes
  3. Julia McConnel
  4. Peta Holmes
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