Cyprus Nationals Wingsuit Performance Competition

DZ Kingsfield Dhekelia (CYP) (MSL: 95.0 m)
Competition window: 3000 - 2000 m
# Competitor Distance Speed Time Total
% % %
m % km/h % s %
1 Anastasis Polykarpou
PF Phantom 3
CYP 2006 87.8 87.8 238.0 100.0 100.0 48.6 100.0 100.0 287.8
2 Marios Georgiades
PF Phantom 3
CYP 2286 100.0 100.0 202.5 85.1 85.1 45.9 94.4 94.4 279.5
3 Charalambos Charalambous
PF Shadow
CYP 1574 68.9 68.9 224.8 94.5 94.5 44.6 91.8 91.8 255.1


  1. Anastasis Polykarpou
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