The APF Wingsuit Performance Flying Championship, Australia, 2021, VIC

DZ Skydive Nagambie (AUS) (MSL: 140.0 m)
Competition window: 2500 - 1500 m
# Competitor Distance Speed Time Total
% % %
m % m % m % km/h % km/h % km/h % s % s % s %
1 Jason Dodunski
TS Jedei 2019
AUS 4464 100.0 4620 95.8 65.3 298.8 100.0 283.4 100.0 66.7 83.0 95.2 31.7 163.7
2 Thomas Davies
AUS 3506 78.5 4821 100.0 59.5 270.9 90.7 265.1 93.5 61.4 87.2 100.0 33.3 154.2
3 Jaak Saega
PF Sukhoi 3
AUS 3528 79.0 3678 76.3 51.8 262.6 87.9 246.2 86.9 58.3 58.6 67.2 22.4 132.4
4 John Mckay
IA Barracuda Power Plus
AUS 3003 67.3 2692 55.8 41.0 261.2 87.4 244.7 86.3 57.9 62.7 71.9 24.0 122.9
This competition uses wind cancellation feature. Results are adjusted for wind / not adjusted for wind


  1. Neil Fergie
  2. Jason Dodunski
  3. Peta Holmes
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